Can two nerds do it? Take the most epic journey across the Final Fantasy Universe ever? Can they avoid being knocked down in I, find the first Chocobos in II, play the long, lost forgotten cousin III, cleanse their soul in IV, save the crystals in V, blabber on and on about how great VI is, and then go beyond, into the world of 3D, emo, and fantastically absurd hair? Read, and find out!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Go fetch!

What sets Final Fantasy apart from other games of its age is the level of depth and involvedness in its goddamn sidequests. Whereas other games might ask you to fetch a key from a dungeon so that you can open shit that you couldn't open before, this game has you fetch a crown for the king who turns out to be evil so that he gives you an eyeball to give to the witch who gives you a potion to give to the elf who in turn gives you a key so you can open shit that you couldn't open before.

That's right. Thank me, bitches.

But the elves are not as kind and gentle as they seem. I stumbled across this while meandering through their rustic little elf-village:

Sweet Christ, people. The elves must have lured Link away from Hyrule, maybe with promises of women, liquor, and empty glass bottles, and then set upon him like a pack of hyenas, taking his rupees and ripping him to shreds! Then they buried the evidence.

Noble Light Warrior that I am, this is my signal to get the fuck out of there and go searching for neat treasure!

Here is some of said treasure. The Power Staff has good power? I never would have guessed.

Soon I arrive in the land of the dwarves, bearing gifts of explosives. That makes everyone super happy!

Then it's time for another epic fetch quest. Ok, get this. So you go through this very long dungeon, right? Then you beat the boss and get the rubies for the giant who opens the cave that leads to another cave where an old man gives you a rod that you can use to hit a switch back where the boss of the dungeon was, so you go through this very long dungeon again plus a couple of new floors so you can fight this evil dude that is corrupting the Crystal of Earth.

It's too bad that they're Crystals now, and not ORBs. ORB sounds a lot naughtier than Crystal. And is a little naughtiness to much to ask for after going through all that?


Anonymous said...

Orb does in fact sound naughtier.

I'm curious if "here lies Link" was in the original version, I may have to go back and check, because I never recall noticing that. If it was, that's cool.

The side quests / convoluted crap is part of what makes FF1 a classic game though. It was one of the longest games I played on the original NES.

Unknown said...

I know it's been years since the original question was posed, but since this is something that's always interested me, it was "Here Lies Erdrick" in the NES translation. I think it was always Link in the Japanese version, though.

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