Can two nerds do it? Take the most epic journey across the Final Fantasy Universe ever? Can they avoid being knocked down in I, find the first Chocobos in II, play the long, lost forgotten cousin III, cleanse their soul in IV, save the crystals in V, blabber on and on about how great VI is, and then go beyond, into the world of 3D, emo, and fantastically absurd hair? Read, and find out!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

FF2: In Conclusion

So Matty! What did YOU think of FF2?

FF2 is pretty much... well... awesome?
The question mark is important. It's so unusual compared to its brethren.

I liked this game a lot. More than FF1, it held its own as a 16-bit game, up until near the end. But most of these games fall apart near the end, so that isn't really FF2-specific.

This is true. Even if the story was a bit Star Warsy.

I'm more inclined to forgive the Star Warsiness of this than I am in FF12, for some reason. This game is actually a lot like FF12, in many ways.

Probably because it's less plot-heavy.

1. Unique and annoying battle system

2. Magic is pretty much worthless

3. High difficulty and very little money

4. You play a hero who doesn't have much reason to be there, while the princess you work for has much more personality

5. not to mention you have to rescue her from some sort of giant floating death st-- i mean airship...

6. You have to pay money to transport yourself across the world for most of the game.

But I mean, other than the resemblance to FF12, this game is good. The bodycount is insanely high!

Nothing says conviction like killing off your entire supporting cast.

And like half of the towns are destroyed by the end of the game, too. More than half, really.

This is true. Despite the fact that magic is nigh on useless and that your caster will do more damage with a bow, and that, all of a sudden at the end, enemies are doing 10x the damage, this is one of the better FF games in the series.

To me there are several enduring mysteries to this game. One. How does the cyclone hurt Cid enough that he can walk around, but then dies when you talk to him, but not hurt his airship at all?

Simple -- Cid has cancer.You inconsiderate jackass.

Two. What makes Leon transition from simple level 1 farmboy to the right-hand dark knight of the emperor?

Probably something he did with his right hand. Ifyaknowhattimean.

Three. Does the evil empire have any citizens besides those soldiers that walk around Fynn and kill you at the beginning of the game? Like, it seems the only town they have is an inaccessible mountain fortress.

You mean you didn't find the town of whores and boozemakers?
I guess I didn't.

I think my biggest question is, if this game had been released in the US on the NES back in the day, WOULD it be considered the greatest RPG of the era?

I think if it had this 'advance' revision, then yes. So, for me, in conclusion, I want to rank this game a resounding 8.5 out of 10.

I agree, the difficulty decrease was necessary, in this case.

I think if magic were at all useful, then it'd be a bit better. But really, you're better off just spamming Fight forever.

I don't feel like giving out fractions, but I love this game. So I'll give it an 8/10. Not perfect, but what NES RPG is, anyway? Remember DQ4, where you have to go to a menu to open a fucking door?

You should have gone with a fraction -- this gives FF2 a FFNerds score of.. 8.25!

Tune in in two weeks, when Matty comes back from vacation, and we move on to Final Fantasy III!

Up next: Kamarile gives a 1 to Tecmo: Secret of the Stars. :-)

Oh God, Matty, do I have to?!
You could play the 'Dawn of Souls' minigame.

Or I could do Mystic Quest. That way we stick within the realm of FF spinoffs, or at least Square games. I mean, who the fuck made Tecmo: Secret of the Stars?

That'd be Tecmo.


Yes. Oh.

Well, we could have a viewer vote on which game I should play. I know we have at least two viewers!

The viewers might vote for Tecmo.

We'll just see about that, Matty. We'll just see about that. So, gentle viewers, it's up to you. Which game do I play in the next two weeks? Shall it be: Tecmo Secret of the Stars?
or Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest?

Post your comments to tell Kammy what she should play next! FFNerds: We play, you decide.


Laurence Brodeur said...

You have got to be kidding. I must choose? But I'm super influencal and shallow. I choose the top one because of the bad hair.

But if I didn't have to choose between two options, I'd ask you guys do the King's Quests after Final Fantasies.

Kamarile said...

One of my friends just voted for Mystic Quest, so there's a tie, for a moment. Come on, other reader(s)! it's up to you!

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