Can two nerds do it? Take the most epic journey across the Final Fantasy Universe ever? Can they avoid being knocked down in I, find the first Chocobos in II, play the long, lost forgotten cousin III, cleanse their soul in IV, save the crystals in V, blabber on and on about how great VI is, and then go beyond, into the world of 3D, emo, and fantastically absurd hair? Read, and find out!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

FFV: Special Rules!

So, FF5 is one of those games Kamarile and I have played to death. In the interest of keeping things... interesting, I've proposed the following rule, and she's agreed.

  • When you get your first jobs, everyone is assigned a random one. They cannot change class until after they've mastered the job.
  • When you master a job, you roll another new class and continue on. The only additional catch is you cannot roll a class someone else is/has mastered.
Tricky? You bet. Fun? Oh yeah.

1 comment:

Korey said...

I just finished the GBA version of V not too long ago for the first time. I have to say, it's now one of my favorite Final Fantasies. I've only played it once, so I haven't done any specialized runs, but I'm excited to see your thoughts and comments on V. Good luck.

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