Can two nerds do it? Take the most epic journey across the Final Fantasy Universe ever? Can they avoid being knocked down in I, find the first Chocobos in II, play the long, lost forgotten cousin III, cleanse their soul in IV, save the crystals in V, blabber on and on about how great VI is, and then go beyond, into the world of 3D, emo, and fantastically absurd hair? Read, and find out!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

FF4: In Conclusion

So, Kammy, what did you think of FFIV?

I've always really enjoyed FFIV, but I loved it even more seeing it coming out of FFIII. This game represents what I consider the greatest leap in quality in the series.

There's definitely a tremendous leap in quality coming from IIIj. What's interesting, though, is I think there's a similar leap coming up.

rom V to VI, you mean?

Even from IV to V. I was mildly disappointed by my memory of FFIV versus the reality.

FFIV more than any other game in the series is one that I feel was limited by the programmer's skill with the new hardware.

And the script writers' skill with the language.

I mean, people complain about the blocky early-psx graphics of VII, but those didn't really affect the game.

That's true. In terms of graphics for SNES RPGs, FFIV is pretty top-notch.

Well, of course you had to go for the lousy translation. I quite like the FF Chronicles translation, and I am fond of the old J2E, despite my having dedicated a whole post to whining about it.

That's true. But even your translation was iffy. We're going to fly a giant whale to the moon?

Dude, my translation called it the "Magical Ship," which is totally lame. I think the newer official translations go with "Lunar Whale," but I'd have to check. (Readers who comment on things, you go do some detective work and tell me if that's true!)

Lunar Whale probably tops the lot.

What I meant by the constraints of the programming, though, is the extremely brief and fast-paced nature of the game. The world is small, the songs are short, ATB battle is quick and brutal. Remember the evil wall? and Odin?

The Odin battle felt right, in terms of future games keeping with the precedent, anyway. The world is ridiculously tiny, though, and that really hurts when you're trying to dicker around with the airship.

I always thought of that as a drawback to this game, but I just came out of FF3, which had the opposite problem.

If some of the gameplay issues were tweaked in FF3, I think it could have easily been better than FF4.

I think the compressed world lends FF4 a unique feel that sets it apart from a lot of the more bloated games in the series.

It's surprising just how much bigger the world was in 3 compared to this one.

But those late-generation NES RPGs had huge worlds. Remember DQ4?

True, though DQ4 is easily the best NES RPG out there. FF5 fixes a lot of the problems with FF4. I think the storyline is better put together, the speed issue is resolved...

But somehow FF5 is not as engaging a game for me. Maybe it's that FF4 is so much a character-driven game, and that was something completely new for the series. FF2 had dabbled in this a little bit, but you spend that game carrying out the goals of Hilda and the resistance, and in FF4 it's all about Cecil personally.

True. FF4, emo-fest though it is, is definitely character-driven.

FF5's story might be better thought out, but its characters aren't. Butz, Faris, Lenna, Galuf, and Cara aren't very interesting people. (You should still read when we do FF5, though! Honest! It'll be great!) I'm willing to forgive plot holes in RPGs if I genuinely care about what happens to the people in my party.

I think that they finally get the plot quirks worked out by FF6, though that starts to waver as we go 3d.

FF4 isn't a perfect game, but it is a great name. I've called it the first great 16-bit RPG, and I will stand by that nominer. I can't think of a single RPG as influential as FF4. Seriously.

I'll agree with that. It's not the greatest, by far, but it's great considering where it's roots were.

They invented ATB!
Think of how many games, past and present, have used some variant of the ATB.

Well, Square certainly stuck by it. Other groups stuck by what they'd always used, more strictly turn-based combat. FFIV is the mold, at least, by which games are built for almost a decade after, though.

But it's neat, for me, seeing the vestiges of FF3 in this game. The fat chocobos, the graphic design...

What I like about these early games, is that they all feel like they're from the same world. Though once you hit FF6, you lose that common thread of super-magical Crystals.

You also begin to lose some of the traditional class distinctions that define the earlier games (even FF2, where you had pure white mages like Minwu, or dragoons like that one guy whose name I forget.) In this game in particular, characters are defined by their classes. Rosa's all white-magey about nurturing other people, particularly her boyfriend. Gilbert/Edward is such a pussy that his skill is to hide. There's also a neat bit in this translation about how Cain became a dragoon in order to follow in his father's footsteps. And Cecil can't redeem his soul until he switches classes from Dark Knight to Paladin.

Though, when he does redeem his soul, he goes from level xx to level 1, and all his stats are strangely higher. All dragoons are following in their father's footsteps.

The funny thing is, after FF2, all white mages in the FF universe are mysteriously female.

You can't heal people with a penis. That's just silly.

I guess not. Anyway, it seems as if we can't discuss FF4 without bringing up the entire history of the series.

It's because part of what makes FF4 great is that it sets a lot of good precedent. If you don't consider that, the game falls a bit flat.

Well, the game might have fallen flat for you, but I was playing the version with porn in it. So I have to go ahead and give this game an 8.5.

Though it fell flat, I can't give an exceptionally low score. I still think it's one of the better games in the series, though there are many I enjoy a lot more. I'll give FF4 a score of 7.5.

Aw gee, Matty, lower than FF2? How could you!

I feel guilty. Really.

If we were talking in person I'd smack you in the face with a frying pan.

Which is why I'm glad we'll never, ever meet. I'll point out that you only scored it half a point higher than FF2. Which shows that the two are fairly comparable.

Just as FF5 is an improved FF3, FF4 is an improved FF2. The difference is that the makers of FF4 are still trying to adjust to the platform switch.

I think a lot of the problems weren't related to new hardware. Keep in mind, the SNES came out late 1990. FF4 popped out Mid-1991. It was probably more an issue of "Crap, there's a new console! We need a cash cow! Hurry!".

What? Cash cows? In the Final Fantasy franchise? that would NEVER happen.

It's scandalous, I know.

But it's a cash cow with heart, Matty!

You mean it's a cash cow with Light! From the Moon!

And it has a good message for the kids!

Terrorism is okay if you're doing it for a paladin?

That, and if you say your prayers, a giant spaceship will rise out of the ocean and will be yours to command.

So many good lessons.

Anyway, stay tuned as the FF Nerds whip out the next installment of our playthrough: Final Fantasy V!

Which version of FFV will you be playing, Kammy?

I will be playing some sort of fan-translated SNES rom that I found on some sketchy Geocities website somewhere.

Fantastic. I'll be playing the official version.... from the GBA!

Ergh, Reina? Lenna? Kara? Cara? How will we keep them straight?

It's like we're playing two different games!

Anyway, stick around. We'll be sure to make lots of Butz jokes.

Heh heh. Butz.

That gives FF4 an FFNerds score of 8.0. Seriously, you guys, stick around. FF5 will be fabulous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think you two will never read these comments, yet I am strangely compelled.

Since you asked: Yes, it is indeed called the Lunar Whale in the newer (read: GBA) translations. What's really funny is that the Nintendo Power strategy guide continually refers to it as "your whale" -- like, "Heal up in the Crystal Palace because it's a long walk back to your whale." I'm sure you can come up with way better jokes than I ever could.

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