...well, she's awful!
 Getting the lyrics wrong is also rewarding. | I really think that FF6 is the top of the rollercoaster ride for the series. You go down a little hill and back up with FF7, and then it's the start of the inevitable decline. I wonder why that is? I mean, obviously the game has lower production values, is less technologically advanced, and less polished than its descendents. I think that too much emphasis got put on things like 'graphics' and 'unique game mechanics'. Like, look at all the bugs in this game! This run I got a sketch bug that froze my ATB bars and I had to reset I never actually use Relm, unless I'm Lore whoring, so no sketch bugs for me, although this and the other bugs are usually things that you'll never do, like sketching an invisible confused ally. It was weird, I never got one before. Or it might have been unrelated to sketching. But I think Relm was in my party. Anyhoo. I am shocked you'd never use Relm. Shocked. I think my affection for FF6 and FF7 comes from my affinity for those things which are ambitious and a little unpolished. FF6 does some wacky things. The experiment with non-linearity? Suicide, teen pregnancy, in a video game? An entire sequence where you go to the opera? These are crazy experiments. They're things which would not necessarily be attractive to the audience. Although, I suppose that Japan likes suicide, so maybe I'm off on this one. There's something to that. Six was an epic story, had a lot of great, versatile characters (if you set things up right), but lacked a strong translation for the script which left you scratching your head in confusion. I was surprised at all the 'taboo' cultural things in the game, what with the teen pregnancies and the suicide attempts. But I think those are outshone by things like the opera scene, Cyan's dream. The parts of the game like that are pretty much fully immersive gaming experiences. It's true; the actual cutscenes that don't involve the player are few and far between. The way the opera scene is designed, it forces the player to be involved and on his toes. I remember the first time playing the Opera scene when the game just came out, before the advent of internets and such. I actually had to write out the score, because it seemed important at the time.
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