Can two nerds do it? Take the most epic journey across the Final Fantasy Universe ever? Can they avoid being knocked down in I, find the first Chocobos in II, play the long, lost forgotten cousin III, cleanse their soul in IV, save the crystals in V, blabber on and on about how great VI is, and then go beyond, into the world of 3D, emo, and fantastically absurd hair? Read, and find out!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

FF6 continues! With Locke and Edgar!

Next up, we meet Locke. Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire. Quite possibly the coolest guy ever. He's kind, true of heart, always willing to help out someone in need....

...oh. Right. He's also a gossip queen and can be a judgmental treasure hunter if you let him get on a rant.

Best to distract him with something shiny.

Like a slutty ying to Terra's yang, Edgar is a ladies' man.

I produce this photo montage to show
just why it's a good idea to get tested EVERY three months.


Anonymous said...

Edgar is the king of sleaze. I hope you guys dont fall prey to whats happening to the other blogs. I enjoy your writing.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you guys continue your FF blogging journey. Your posts and accompanying screenshots are always hilarious. I decided to pick up VI since I'd never played it before and am eagerly looking forward to your guys' thoughts, so please keep blogging! :)

Anonymous said...

Umm, anonymous 1. "King of Sleaze"? Let's look at Edgar objectively. To begin with, to label somebody as "sleazy", or as the character Locke verbalized it, "lecherous", he would've ad to have made comments that indicated total interest in nothing but sexual activity. Secondly, "what's happening on the other blogs"? All of the blogs I have read, aside from a select few, portray Edgar as a total slimeball, and I'm sick of it. I'm simply calling you out because I got here first.


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