Can two nerds do it? Take the most epic journey across the Final Fantasy Universe ever? Can they avoid being knocked down in I, find the first Chocobos in II, play the long, lost forgotten cousin III, cleanse their soul in IV, save the crystals in V, blabber on and on about how great VI is, and then go beyond, into the world of 3D, emo, and fantastically absurd hair? Read, and find out!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

FF7: Sticking to traditions

So, one of the great things about FF7, to me, at least, is how it sticks to the classic traditions that came before it.    Take yourself back to FF6, and the battle with Whelk.   FF7 starts you out battling a Scorpio-bot, with an identical battle mechanic.   Attack when it's <blank>in, and it'll <blank> ur <blank>z.

But it doesn't just stop with repeating battle mechanics.   In the proud tradition of Final Fantasy...
3 - WhelkPt1 4 - Whelkpt2

7 - hoyay There's hoyay.

And, wow.  I'd forgotten just how hoyay this game is.   I know that we (perhaps over-)use this tag a lot, but you have to admit, when you can take the time in the middle of the heist to comment to one of the womenfolk in your team of loveable terrorists that she looks hot, just like a dude would?


I've commented in the past that every time I play these games, I learn something new.   One thing I learned was that after having recently watched the entire season of Firefly (and Serenity), is that I can't resist referring to our wacky hijinks on the rail as 'The Train Job' while sing-songingly reminding myself that there's no place I can't be, since I found Serenity.

...erm, yes.  Anyhoo, back to the game.


I mean, FF7 is pretty awesome, if for nothing more than how immature the script will allow you to be, sometimes, and all the things that seem 'risky' and 'edgy' after the prior games.  

What other game will let you call a female love interest a 'slum drunk'?
What other game will let you play the part of a terrorist faction that blows up power plants?

I'm actually vaguely of the opinion that, were someone to try to pitch this game now, that it wouldn't make it, what with the whole interactive terrorist module. 

And, just in closing -- I do have a 'Cloud, you set the bomb.' screenshot.  I'll abuse a lot of memes, but that's one that I'll respectfully decline to touch.

Kamarile will probably be all over it, though.
9 - SlumDrunk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me comment briefly on FFVI, which I love and still play more than any other. A few plot details always seemed sort of weak, such as: why is the Empire called the Empire BEFORE it invades Tzen, Albrooke, and the third southern city? Multiple ingame comments say things like "the Empire's taken control of Albrooke." Just Vector doesn't seem like much of an empire. I mean, Edgar has Figaro castle and South Figaro both. Plus, apparently, much of the desert, and his castle is an R&D sinkhole (no pun intended). Yet because he's a womanizer it's OK, nobody's that worried. So. A few poli sci questions for the game.

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