Light Warriors? Not anymore, mothafucka!
Hey, you guys! Isn't it great that Squaresoft has gotten all progressive with this game? They love the environment, they LOVE the gays (getting to that soon!), and... hey! Look! A black guy! And he's always there to make some sort of sassy, hip comment that is totally off the chain. Look, he knows how to tell it to the Shinra:
And why the %$#@! should he bother with that bitch Jenova? He's got bigger fish to fry.
Barret knows the value of some well-placed punctuation.
So we at Blogging Final Fantasy salute you, Barret. You have broken the Final Fantasy color barrier, if not the anime trope that one character per anime must have at least one mechanical limb.
We shall overcome, my friends. We shall overcome.